Clad in Colours A Reading of English Epic Poetry
A5判 上製
価格:3,080円 (消費税:280円)
ISBN978-4-901734-01-1(4-901734-01-6) C3098
奥付の初版発行年月:2002年11月 / 発売日:2002年11月下旬
価格:3,080円 (消費税:280円)
ISBN978-4-901734-01-1(4-901734-01-6) C3098
奥付の初版発行年月:2002年11月 / 発売日:2002年11月下旬
Ⅰ The Spenserian Design
1. the cruell markes of many' a bllody fielde
2. with that black Palmer, his most trusty guide
3. like to the ruddie Morne
4. Yet golden wyre was not so yellow thryse
Ⅱ The Miltonic Scheme
5. with pleasant green
6. when Morn/purples the East
7. A Universe of Death
Ⅲ Toward Romantic Narrative Poets
8. Blue! 'Tis the Life of Heaven:Keats's Endymion
9. The Power of Thought─The Magic of Mind:Byron's The Corsair
10.Another, gallants, yet remains to play:Scott's The Lady of the Lake