Feature Transfer and Feature Learning in Universal Grammar
価格:7,040円 (消費税:640円)
ISBN978-4-86283-295-5 C3082
奥付の初版発行年月:2019年12月 / 発売日:2019年12月中旬
石野 尚(イシノ ナオ)
石野 尚(いしの・なお)
主要な著作:Syntactic Feature Transfer and Reflexive Binding in Interlanguage. 29 (1), 1–37. 2012.
Chapter 1 Framework
1.1. Goals
1.2. Theoretical Background of L2 Studies
1.3. Feature Decomposition and Syntactic Parameters
1.4. What is Transitional Grammar?
1.5. Variations in Syntactic Properties of Reflexive Binding
1.6. Major Proposals and Their Conceptual Problems
1.7. Aims
1.8. Theoretical Assumptions
Chapter 2 Theory of Feature Transfer / Feature Learning
2.1. Three-Way Criterion of Φ-Feature Specification
2.2. Markedness of Learnability
2.3. Feature Transfer and Feature Learning
Chapter 3 Φ-Feature Specification of Reflexives
3.1. Neutral Interpretation and Φ-Features
3.2. Distributive Reading and Number-Feature
3.3. Φ-Defective vs. Φ-Complete
3.4. Minimalist Account for Syntactic Binding of Φ-Defective Anaphora
3.5. Summary on Φ-Feature Specification
Chapter 4 Φ-Feature Specification of TG Reflexives: Prediction by FTFL and Experimental Results
4.1. Prediction of the L2 Learning of the English Reflexives by Japanese Learners of English (JLsE)
4.2. Empirical Problems in Predictions by Previous Studies
(PRA and LTA)
4.3. Experimental Results on JLsE’s TG Reflexives
4.4. Experiments to Beginner JLsE
4.5. Follow-up Experiments to High-Intermediate JLsE
Chapter 5 Crosslinguistic Investigations on TG Reflexives
5.1. Chinese Ziji and Ta-ziji and Feature Specification 91
5.2. German Sich and Sich selbst and Feature Specification
5.3. Crosslinguistic Variations
Chapter 6 Multiple Specifiers and Φ-Feature Specification
6.1. Multiple Specifiers in L1 Japanese
6.2. Φ-Feature Specification of T
6.3. Φ-Feature Specification of D
Chapter 7 Φ-Feature Specification of T/D in Transitional Grammar: Prediction by FTFL and Experimental Results
7.1. Prediction by Previous Studies (PRA and LTA)
7.2. Prediction by FTFL
7.3. Experimental Results on JLsE’s Specifiers
Chapter 8 Crosslinguistic Investigations on Multiple Specifiers in Transitional Grammar
8.1. Multiple Specifiers in ELsJ’s TG: Prediction by FTFL
8.2. Experiments
Chapter 9 Split Binding in Transitional Grammar
9.1. Split Binding through Agree
9.2. Experiments
9.3. Explanation