

Continuing Lessons for Dynamics of Structures

Continuing Lessons for Dynamics of Structures

B5判 上製
価格:15,400円 (消費税:1,400円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0367-8 C3052
奥付の初版発行年月:2013年12月 / 発売日:2013年12月上旬






滝澤 春男(タキザワ ハルオ)

1947年生まれ、元北大工学部助教授 工学博士(東京大学)



Chapter 1 Oscillation of Simple Pendulums
1.1 Mathematical preliminaries up to Fourier transform
1.1.1 Principal value of integral, and singularity functions of practical use
1.1.2 Fourier integral
1.1.3 Fourier series and discrete Fourier series
1.2 Time-domain and frequency-domain solutions
1.2.1 Unit impulse response function
1.2.2 Free and forced vibrations
1.2.3 Frequency response function
1.3 Spectra based on response of simple oscillators
1.3.1 Relation to spectral characteristics of excitation
1.3.2 Response spectrum

Chapter 2 Dynamics of Lumped-Parameter Systems
2.1 Algebraic eigenvalue problem
2.1.1 Fundamentals in matrix algebra
2.1.2 Standard eigenvalue problem for real and symmetric matrices
2.1.3 Generalized eigenvalue problem for real and symmetric matrices
2.2 Dynamics of Caughey systems
2.2.1 Caughey's requirement for damping matrix
2.2.2 Classical modal analysis
2.2.3 Biggs approximation of modal damping factors
2.3 Dynamics of Foss systems
2.3.1 Complex eigenvalue analysis
2.3.2 Complex modal analysis
2.4 Dynamics of rational systems
2.4.1 Complex frequency response function matrices of rational expression
2.4.2 Time domain solution for response of rational systems

Chapter 3 Dynamics of Distributed-Parameter Systems
3.1 Fundamentals for formulations
3.1.1 Differential operator accompanied by boundary conditions
3.1.2 Integral kernel and Green function
3.1.3 Eigenvalue problem in calculus
3.2 Features in mathematical expression solutions
3.2.1 Three elementary examples
3.2.2 Shear cantilevers of variable cross section
3.2.3 Flexural cantilevers of variable cross section

Chapter 4 Difference and Differential Representations of Spatial Characteristics
4.1 Matrix formulations versus difference calculus
4.1.1 Eigenvalue problems for difference operator accompanying boundary conditions
4.1.2 Mathematical solutions for elementary lumped-parameter systems
4.2 Difference equation expression of uniform systems and corresponding con-tinuous replacement
4.2.1 Flexural-shear cantilever systems
4.2.2 Uniform systems of multistory and single-bay moment-resisting frame
4.2.3 Story-to-story shear wall with boundary girders
4.2.4 Effects of axial deformation of columns

Chapter 5 Superposition of Modal Peak Responses
5.1 Overlapping and correlation
5.1.1 Role of correlation coefficient between time functions
5.1.2 SRSS and CQC methods
5.2 Developments of CQC formulation for superimposing peak values
5.2.1 CQC expressions for ordinary use
5.2.2 Coping with uncertain factors in excitation characteristics

Chapter 6 Dynamics of General Linear Systems
6.1 Fundamental framework in general linear theories
6.1.1 Basic concepts
6.1.2 Dependence via Hilbert transform
6.2 Developments along complex function theories
6.2.1 Laplace transform and Bromwich integral
6.2.2 Singularities of complex frequency function at infinity and origin
6.3 Linear viscoelasticity theory
6.3.1 Combination of springs and dashpots
6.3.2 Transformations among characteristic functions
6.4 Constant-Q damping
6.4.1 Viscous versus constant-Q types of damping
6.4.2 Dynamic characteristics of uniform damping system with inertia attached

Chapter 7 One-Dimensional Wave-Motion
7.1 Wave-motion in distributed-parameter systems
7.1.1 Impedance ratio
7.1.2 Multiple reflection
7.2 Dispersion of wave-motion
7.2.1 Phase versus group velocities
7.2.2 Dispersive wave-motion in lumped-parameter systems
7.3 Non-dispersive damping
7.3.1 Impedance characteristics
7.3.2 Dynamics of non-dispersive damping systems

Chapter 8 Topics in Structural Vibrations

8.1 Fundamental period
8.1.1 Natural period related to size, including coefficient of subgrade reaction
8.1.2 Implication of gravity formula
8.1.3 Earthquake response of deflection angle and total acceleration in tall buildings
8.2 Supplements for inertia matrix
8.2.1 Validity for lumping of weight distribution
8.2.2 Effects of rotatory inertia
8.2.3 Total mass and height as modal parameters
8.3 Supplements for stiffness matrix
8.3.1 Stiffness matrix evaluation for moment-resisting frames
8.3.2 Geometric stiffness and gravity effect
8.3.3 Emergence of substantially unsymmetric problems
8.4 Supplements for eigenvalue problem
8.4.1 Extraction of invariant modal components from time-series data
8.4.2 Swaying and rocking problems
8.4.3 Biaxial eigenvalue problem of completely separable type
8.4.4 Violence of rigid-floor assumption and action of multiple excitation
8.5 Torsional vibration
8.5.1 Representation of coupling properties of translation and torsion
8.5.2 Torsional vibration characteristics in single-story systems
8.5.3 Torsional response of multi-story systems
8.5.4 Tensorial field of deformation response
8.6 Vibration of coupled building-ground systems
8.6.1 Fundamentals
8.6.2 Features in coupling effects




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