

Formal and Experimental PerspectiveA Theory of Knowledge and Belief Change

A Theory of Knowledge and Belief Change Formal and Experimental Perspective

B5変 300ページ 上製
価格:8,250円 (消費税:750円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0363-0 C3010
奥付の初版発行年月:2011年03月 / 発売日:2011年03月中旬


本書の前半は,2004年の科学基礎論学会で学会賞を受賞した“A Simple Nonmonotonic Logic as a Model of Belief Change”を再構築したものである。そこにおける分析によれば,知識とは現実の情報に対し単調な信念である,ということになる。これは極めて単純なものであり,「正当化」・「証拠」・「合理性」といった他の認識論的概念を使用していないのが特徴である。これは,知識概念は子供でも理解できるものであり大人の知識概念はその自然な延長となっているのではないという前提,および,認識論的概念一般は我々の他者の信念と信念変化についての直観から導かれてきたものであり信念変化概念によって分析・定義づけられねばならないという前提,とからくる。これら二つの前提は,自然主義的観点からそれぞれもっともらしいものであると言えるが,特に後者のテーゼ(認識論的概念一般は我々の信念変化についての直観から派生したものである)は今後重要なものとして認識論において注目を集めるものとなると信じている。


水本 正晴(ミズモト マサハル)

水本正晴(Masaharu Mizumoto)
1968年,福岡県生まれ。北見工業大学共通講座准教授。 2002年一橋大学社会学研究科博士課程満期退学。社会学博士(一橋大学,2004年)第1回科学基礎論学会賞受賞



Part I Analysis of Knowledge
Chapter 1 An Analysis from the Most Abstract Principles
  1.1 Argument from Accumulation Principle  
  1.2 Argument from the Omni-Believer  
  1.3 From OB Principle to Sufficient Condition  
  1.4 Belief Change and Analysis of Knowledge  
  1.5 Knowledge as Doxastic and Epistemic Necessity  
  1.6 Analysis Based on the Normal Pattern of Belief Change  
Chapter 2 Infallibility and Monotonicity
  2.1 Knowledge and Infallibility  
  2.2 Reformulation of Hintikka's System  
  2.3 The KK-Thesis  
Chapter 3 Knowledge as Monotonic Belief
  3.1 Analysis of Knowledge as Monotonic Belief  
  3.2 Sufficient Condition  
  3.3 Intuition about Belief Change  
  3.4 Accommodating the Theory of Belief Change  
  3.5 MB and the RA Theory  
  3.6 Answering Sceptical Challenges  
  3.7 Disjunction Argument  
Chapter 4 Epistemology Based on NPBC
  4.1 Rationality and Normativity  
  4.2 Belief Change Fundamentalism  
  4.3 Psychologism and NPBC  
  4.4 Justification vs. NPBC  
  4.5 Internal and External Justification  
Chapter 5 Sustainability as a Synthesized View of Knowledge
  5.1 Human Knowledge and Animal Knowledge  
  5.2 Empirical and Non-Empirical Knowledge  
  5.3 Other Similar Analyses  
  5.4 Differences from Analyses of Rott and Stalnaker  
Part II Belief Change
Chapter 6 Belief in Belief Change
  6.1 Belief and World-Picture  
  6.2 Kinds of Beliefs  
  6.3 BK-Belief as a Component of World-Picture  
Chapter 7 On the Very Idea of Belief Change
  7.1 AGM  
  7.2 Some Assumptions of AGM  
  7.3 Logic, Reasoning, and Belief Change  
  7.4 Symbolic and Sub-Symbolic Level  
  7.5 Foundations Theory and Coherence Theory  
Chapter 8 Fact and Information
  8.1 Confinement Imagery and Direct Realism  
  8.2 KB-Belief and Information  
  8.3 Information, Proposition, and Meaning  
  8.4 Information and the Veridicality Thesis  
Chapter 9 Derivation Rules and Information Processor
  9.1 Some Requirements for the Theory of Information Processing  
  9.2 Basic Assumptions  
  9.3 Derivation Rules as the Theory of Information Processing  
  9.4 Logical Omniscience and the New Consistency  
  9.5 Possible Extension  
Chapter 10 A Simple Nonmonotonic Logic as a Model of Belief Change
  10.1 Nonmonotonic Reasoning  
  10.2 Formal Analysis  
  10.3 Metaphysical Considerations  
  10.4 Demonstration: Execution Examples  
  10.5 Comparison and Advantages  
Part III Experimental Philosophy and Developmental Approach
Chapter 11 Experimental Philosophy and Developmental Approach
  11.1 Experimental Philosophy  
  11.2 The Limit of Experimental Philosophy?  
  11.3 Cultural Diversity  
  11.4 Developmental Approach as Conceptual Reverse Engineering  
Chapter 12 Epistemology Meets Philosophy of Mind
  12.1 Theory of Mind  
  12.2 From False Belief Task to Gettier Task  
  12.3 Gettier Task and Belief-Change Task  
  12.4 Some Initial Worries about This Project  
  12.5 From Animal Self to Social Self  
  12.6 From Egocentric World to Seamless World  
  12.7 Epistemology and Psychology combined through Philosophy of Mind  
Chapter 13 Gettier Task and Belief Change Task
  13.1 Two Approaches to the Experiment  
  13.2 False-Belief Task and Belief Change Task  
  13.3 The Mystery of Indirect Knowledge and Testimony Task  
  13.4 Why Do More Children Answer "Yes" as They Become Older?  
Chapter 14 Chocolate Task as the Second Gettier Task
  14.1 Chocolate Task  
  14.2 Objections  
  14.3 Conclusion  
Appendix Data of Chapter 13 and 14

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