

Small Sample Properties of Improved Estimators in Econometrics

Small Sample Properties of Improved Estimators in Econometrics

B5変 188ページ
価格:13,200円 (消費税:1,200円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0272-5(4-8329-0272-5) C3033
奥付の初版発行年月:1998年12月 / 発売日:1999年01月下旬


経済データはその数に限りがある. そのような状況での推定量の小標本特性を調べ,いかなる条件でどのような推定量を用いればよいかを示すことは, 理論的のみならず, 実証分析を行う研究者にも, 大きな示唆を与える.気鋭の研究者による,はじめての包括的研究.


長谷川 光(ハセガワ ヒカル)

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Hokkaido University
Kita 9 Nishi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0809



1  Introduction and outline.

Ⅰ  Small sample properties of estimators in a normal and a linear regression model with inequality constraints.
2  Introduction to a model with inequality constraints.
3  Bayesian estimator of a normal mean subject to an inequality constraint.
4  Linear regression model with an interval constraint on coefficients.
5  Inequality constrained estimators in the heteroscedastic linear model.

Ⅱ  Small sample properties of estimators in SURE model.
6  Introduction to SURE model.
7  Two SURE model with specification error.
8  Pre-test estimators after a test of independence in two SURE model.
9  Two SURE model with compound normal disturbances.

Ⅲ  Risk comparisons of estimators under some loss functions.
10  Introduction of risk comparisons under some loss functions.
11  Risk comparisons under Inagaki's liss function.
12  Summary.

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