Adrenal Chromaffin Cell The; Archetype and Exemplar of Cellular Signalling in Secretory Control
価格:14,300円 (消費税:1,300円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0267-1(4-8329-0267-9) C3047
奥付の初版発行年月:1998年12月 / 発売日:1999年01月下旬
菅野 富夫(カンノ トミオ)
Yanaihara Institute Inc.Professor Emeritus.Hokkaido University
中里 幸和(ナカザト ヨシカズ)
Professor.Laboratory of Pharmacology.Department of Biomedical Science.Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine.Hokkaido University
熊倉 鴻之助(クマクラ コウノスケ)
Professor.Laboratory of Neurochemistryand NeuropharmacologyLife Science InstituteSophia University
Section 1 Phylogeny and ontogeny of chromaffin cell.
Section 2 Regulatory mechanisms.
Section 3 Stimulus-secretion coupling.
Section 4 Stimulus-transcription coupling.
Section 5 Biogenesis and function of components in membrane and chromaffin granule.
Section 6 Chromaffin cell biology as a basis of medicine.
Section 7 Novel methodology.