Circadian Clocks and Ecology; Proceedings of the Third Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm, 1988
B5変 224ページ
価格:10,780円 (消費税:980円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0203-9(4-8329-0203-2) C3047
奥付の初版発行年月:1990年03月 / 発売日:1990年03月下旬
価格:10,780円 (消費税:980円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0203-9(4-8329-0203-2) C3047
奥付の初版発行年月:1990年03月 / 発売日:1990年03月下旬
Proceedings of the Third Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm/July 1988.
広重 力(ヒロシゲ ツトム)
Professor of Physilolgy, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
本間 研一(ホンマ ケンイチ)
Associate Professor of Physilolgy, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
1 The Honma Prize Lecture.
2 Cellular Mechanism of Circadian Clocks.
3 Circadian Organization in Vertebrates.
4 Circadian Clocks in Ecology.