Dynamics of Circadian Oscillation in the SCN
価格:9,900円 (消費税:900円)
ISBN978-4-8329-0370-8 C3047
奥付の初版発行年月:2014年07月 / 発売日:2014年07月下旬
バクテリアからヒトまで概ね24時間の周期を刻む振動機構が備わっている。これを生物時計という。本書は,第一線で活躍する実験系と数理系の研究者が議論を重ねてきたことの成果集である。その実績はNature, Science, Cellなどの一流誌でも高く評価されている。
Ken-ichi Honma(ホンマ ケンイチ)
Department of Chronomedicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan
Aschoff and Honma Prize Winner’s Lecture
Signaling within the Mammalian Circadian Timing System
Ueli Schibler
Part I. Cellular Networks in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Cellular Circadian Rhythms in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus:
An Oscillatory or a Stochastic Process?
Daisuke Ono, Hiroshi Kori, Sato Honma,
Serge Daan and Ken-ichi Honma
Imaging Circadian Calcium Rhythm in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Ryosuke Enoki, Sato Honma and Ken-ichi Honma
Mechanism and Modeling of Circadian Phase Wave
in the Mammalian Circadian Center
Yasufumi Shigeyoshi, Takeshi Asakawa, Koh-hei Masumoto,
Satoshi Koinuma and Mamoru Nagano
Part II. Circadian Pacemaker in the SCN and Behavior Outputs
Circadian Pacemaker for Behavioral Rhythms beyond the SCN
Wataru Nakamura
Cellular Oscillators in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus for Behavior Rhythm
Expression in the Mouse Lacking CRYPTOCHROME
Sato Honma, Daisuke Ono and Ken-ichi Honma
Bout Oscillators: Hypothetical Circadian Oscillators
for Activity Bouts
Ken-ichi Honma, Daisuke Ono, Sato Honma and Isao T. Tokuda
Part III. Dynamics of Circadian Oscillation and Oscillatory Networks
Modeling of Feedback Mechanisms in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Mitsuyuki Nakao, Masataka Suzuki, Hiroshi Okayama,
Akihiro Karashima and Norihiro Katayama
Phase Oscillator Model as a Tool
to Understand Multi-oscillator Dynamics
Hiroshi Kori
Oscillator Network Modeling of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
in Cry1/Cry2 Double Deficient Mice
Isao T. Tokuda, Hanspeter Herzel, Daisuke Ono,
Sato Honma and Ken-ichi Honma
A Reconsideration of Loss of Circadian Rhythms
under Low Temperature Conditions
Hiroshi Ito
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus as a Network of Coupled Oscillators:
Adaptation by Learning
Grigory Bordyugov and Hanspeter Herzel
Subject Index
■Circadian Clocks and Ecology
■Circadian Clocks from Cell to Human
■Evolution of Circadian Clock
■Circadian Organization and Oscillatory
Coupling 、
■Circadian Clocks and Entrainmen
■Zeitgebers, Entrainment and Masking of the
Circadian System
■Circadian Clock as Multi-Oscillation System
■Biological Rhythms
■Endocrine Chronobiology